SMS-service creation portal enables to make money in Facebook

Tartu, 13. detsember 2007 - Tartu ettevõtte Mobi Solutionsi poolt loodud mobiiliteenuste isetegemise portaal tõi turule Skandinaavias populaarse suhtlusportaali Facebook jaoks mõeldud uued teenused.

"Inimesed veedavad palju aega erinevates suhtlusportaalides, mõtlesime, et see võiks inimesele ka kuidagi kasu tuua" ütles Fortumo turundusjuht Martin Koppel. "Nüüd saavad inimesed lisaks oma Facebooki profiili huvitavamaks tegemisele teenida ka selle pealt tulu."

"Kuna oktoobris Skandinaavias käivitatud portaal on kohalike poolt saanud sooja vasuvõtu osaliseks, otsustasime Fortumo teenuseid siduda ka erinevate suhtlusportaalidega, millest esimene on USA-s ja Skandinaavias populaarne Facebook," ütles Fortumo arendusjuht Veljo Otsason.

Fortumo laseb igaühel teha mobiiliteenuse viie minutiga ja ilma erioskusi vajamata. Praegu on teenuseid võimalik luua Soomes, Rootsis, Norras, Taanis, Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus

Fortumoga liitumine on tasuta. Teenusepakkuja teenib iga tema tehtud teenusele saadetud sõnumi pealt sõltuvalt riigist 40-60% tulu. Fortumoga saab liituda aadressil

Lisaks Facebook-le mõeldud teenustele võimaldab Fortumo ilma tehniliste oskusteta luua kolme tüüpi SMS-teenust: infosõnum, SMS kampaania ja SMS-chat veebilehele. Samuti on veebilehe omanikul võimalik programmeerida oma SMS-teenus ja Fortumo abil selle kasutamise pealt tulu teenida.

Mobi Solutions OÜ ( on 2001. aastal Tartus asutatud ettevõtetele, avaliku sektori organisatsioonidele ja eraisikutele mobiiliteenuseid pakkuv ettevõte. Firmal on tütarettevõtted Lätis ja Leedus ning firma käive 2006. aastal oli 14 miljonit krooni.

Fortumo's free SMS-service creation portal came out with new services that enable users to make money in Facebook.

"People are spending a lot of their time in different social networks, we thought it should bring profit to people as well", says Martin Koppel, Head of Marketing of Fortumo. "Besides making their personal, companies or band's page interactive and more original in Facebook, people can now also earn revenue."

"Since we got a good reception in Scandinavia after launching our site in October, we decided to widen our service selection and provide Fortumo's services for different social networks. Obviously we started from the most popular social network Facebook," says Veljo Otsason.

Fortumo enables everyone to create their own sms service within 5 minutes without having to have any technical skills, says Rain Rannu, CEO of Fortumo. "Creating a mobile service should not be more difficult than making a blog or a homepage."

Fortumo enables to create SMS-services in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Company is preparing to launch the service in several other European and Asian countries early next year.

Besides Facebook services it is possible to create four types of services the moment: SMS-info, SMS-campaign, SMS- chat are targeted at users without any technical skills, while Premium SMS-connectivity enables experienced service providers to benefit from more countries, flexible user interface and competitive revenue sharing.

Fortumo is available at and it do not have any startup or monthly fee. is offered by Fortumo Ltd. Parent company of Fortumo, Mobi Solutions Ltd is the leading value-added mobile services provider in the Baltics, giving Fortumo a clear vision and strong knowledge on bringing new mobile services to market.
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