Mobile Monday launches in Estonia

Eestis alustab tegevust mobiilitööstusega seotud inimeste ühendus nimega Mobile Monday Estonia, mis saab olema ülemaailmse Mobile Monday võrgustiku üks riiklikest lokaalsetest harudest. Ühenduse Eesti üksuse eesmärgiks saab olema valdkondliku teabe vahendamine ning regulaarsete infoseminaride korraldamine kohalikele asjahuvilistele. Avaüritus toimub esmaspäeval, 17. märtsil Hotell Olümpia Konverentsikeskuses ning selle teemaks on "Estonia in the Global Marketplace". Üritus on tasuta ning kõigile huvilistele avatud.

Lisaks kogu maailmast kogutud oskusteabe levitamisele on ühenduse üks eesmärkidest kahtlemata ka vastassuunaline infoliikumine - Eesti mobiilivaldkonna tutvustamine maailmale. "Kuna Eesti IT sektor on jõudsasti arenenud ning meie mobiilivaldkonnas toimunud arengud on ka välismaailma huviorbiiti jõudnud, siis leiame, et just praegu soodus aeg asutada Mobile Monday Eesti haru," arvab Mobile Monday Estonia üks asutajatest Priit Salumaa. "Mobile Monday Eesti üritustesari aitab tutvustada meie mobiilitööstust ja Eestit kui selle sektori innovaatorit välismaailmale. Samuti aitab Mobile Monday tugevdada meie mobiilifirmade omavahelisi sidemeid ning koostöövõimalusi, avardamaks nägemust Eesti mobiilisektori tulevikust."

Mobile Monday Estonia infoüritused hakkavad paralleelselt toimuma Tallinnas ja Tartus. Tallinna üritused hakkavad katma üldisemaid, ka marketingiga seotud teemasid, ning neile on oodata esinema ka mobiilivaldkonnas tuntud väliskülalisi. Tartus käsitletavad teemad keskenduvad pigem mobiiliarendusega seotud teemadele. Infoseminarid viiakse läbi kahes osas: formaalne osa sisaldab teemakohaseid ettekandeid ja arutelu, misjärel toimub mitteformaalne sotsialiseerumine meeldivas vabamas õhkkonnas.

Mobile Monday rahvusvaheline võrgustik on oma olemuselt globaalne mobiilitööstusega seotud inimeste ühendus, mis soodustab liikmete koostööd ja omavahelist suhtlemist. Võrgustik sai alguse 2000. aastal Helsingis, kui mobiilitööstusega seotud inimesed ja huvilised hakkasid kord kuus kohtuma – algul ebaregulaarselt, hiljem järjest enam koordineeritult. Edasi hakkasid toimuma juba seminari ja ümarlaudade vormis üritused ning Mobile Monday levis ka väljapoole Soome piire. Järgnesid Mobile Monday harud Tokyos, Silicon Valleys, Roomas, Milanos jm. Tänaseks on Mobile Monday levinud ca 60 linnas üle maailma. Täpsem info Mobile Monday kohta on kättesaadav ühenduse kodulehelt

Mobile Monday kaks esimest avaüritust toimuvad Playtech Estonia toetusel. Playtech Estonia on maailma juhtiva internetimängude tarkvara tootja Playtechi suurim tootmis- ja arendusüksus, mis loob, arendab ja haldab mänge erinevatele platvormidele - sealhulgas mobiilile. Tartus asuv Playtech Estonia annab tööd kokku enam kui 300le oma ala juhtivale spetsialistile, olles seega üks suurematest ja ühtlasi ka kiiremini kasvavatest IT-ettevõtetest Eestis.

Täpsem info Mobile Monday Estonia kohta on kättesaadav aadressil

March 17th will see the launch of Mobile Monday Estonia, with its first event to be held in Tallinn, the Conference Centre of Reval Hotel Olympia at 18:00. The event's theme is "Estonia in the Global Mobile Marketplace", and the venue is free and open to everybody interested.

This first gathering is an introduction to a series of mobile-themed events that will be held regularly. The speakers at the opening event will cover general trends and developments in the mobile industry, in the global and Estonian mobile markets. Future topics will cover issues such as mobile software development, mobile video, mobile PR and marketing, etc. The keynote speaker for the opening event is Jari Tammisto, the CEO of Mobile Monday.

The event will begin with presentations in the Conference Centre, after which attendees are invited to the hotel's Englishman pub, to socialize in an informal environment and enjoy some drinks on the house.

Mobile Monday events in Estonia are scheduled to be held monthly, alternating between Tallinn and Tartu. Tallinn events will cover general and marketing-related topics, with international speakers and a wide audience. Tartu events will focus on mobile development topics.

About Mobile Monday

Mobile Monday began almost by accident in Helsinki, Finland, during the autumn of 2000. A few well-known Finnish visionaries invited the who’s who of the Finnish mobile industry to a pub for an informal get-together, and perhaps a warming drink. The only suitable time? Monday evening.

After meeting many new faces and discussing the latest in mobile technology, the group decided to continue meeting on the first Monday of each month — and thus Mobile Monday was born. Towards the end of 2004, the movement started to spread to other areas of the world, and new MoMo chapters were started in Tokyo, Silicon Valley, Rome and Milan.

Mobile Mondays facilitate networking between small and large companies, and also between local and foreign talent. During the monthly events, attendees present innovative visions, trends, studies and forecasts from the mobile marketplace. Mobile Mondays also provide an opportunity to contribute to the education of the broader public through its publications, online presence and media partnerships.

The Mobile Monday gatherings occur every first Monday of the month, and can occur in any of the chapter cities. The nature of the meetings is very open, aiming to provide a relaxed environment where attendees can have a casual chat about any aspect of the industry or related business. Typically the meetings involve short presentations, followed by snacks and drinks.

About Mobile Monday Estonia

One of the founders of Mobile Monday Estonia, Priit Salumaa states: "The excitement surrounding the IT industry in Estonia, together with a growing interest in the mobile sector, makes it a perfect opportunity to set up a local Mobile Monday chapter. This community will help to provide international exposure and business opportunity for local companies involved in the mobile industry. Our events will help to exchange personal experiences gained in the sector, helping also to forge a common vision for the future of the mobile industry in Estonia."

About Supporters of Mobile Monday Estonia

The first two events of Mobile Monday Estonia are sponsored by Playtech, the world's largest publicly traded online gaming software supplier. Playtech Estonia is the biggest production and development unit of Playtech Ltd and one of the biggest IT-companies in Estonia, employing more than 300 leading specialists. Among other products, Playtech develops game systems for mobile devices.

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