Mobile Monday Global Summit 2008 in Kuala Lumpur
MoMo Eesti esindus Mobile Monday Global Summit 2008 üritusel Kuala Lumpuris
MoMo Eesti kaasasutaja Tom Godber esindas eelmisel nädalal Mobile Monday Estonia ühendust MoMo ühenduste iga-aastasel grand-üritusel - Mobile Monday Global Summit. Seekord toimus see esimest korda Helsingist väljaspool Kuala Lumpuris, Malaisias. Toimunud üritust loeb Tom igati kordaläinuks. Taas kord oli võimalus veeta mõned päevad mobiilvaldkonna juhtivate liidrite hulgas ning tuua osa seda teadmust ka Eesti pinnale.Üritustel arutati mobiilvaldkonna hetkeseisu ja võimalikke suundumusi tulevikus. Samuti üritati leida võimalusi MoMo ühenduse kontaktide omavaheliseks paremaks ärakasutamiseks erinevate kapiitlite vahel paremate ürituste korraldamise eesmärgil. Kui Sul on ideid, küsimusi või mõtteid, astu ligi Tomile või mõnele teisele MoMo Eesti kaasasutajale meie järgmisel Tallinna üritusel.
Toimunud ürituse kohta loe siit Tomi poolt esitatud ettekanded leiad altpoolt.
MoMo Estonia Represented at the Global Summit 2008 in Kuala Lumpur
MoMo Estonia co-founder Tom Godber was privileged to represent the Estonian chapter in Malaysia last week at an excellent event which really showcased the breadth of the mobile industry and the amazing initiatives happening across the globe.As well as discussing the state of the industry, many interesting topics regarding the global structure of MoMo were discussed including how to leverage the global connections for all members of the community. If you have any needs or ideas please feel free to come and talk about them to Tom, or any of the other co-founders, at the next event coming very soon to Tallinn.
Presentation: Securing Mobile Transactions (Tom Godber)
The entire presentation can also be downloaded as a PDF (1408Kb), or viewed on a web page.Presentation: Mobile Best Practices and the VC Angle (Tom Godber)
The entire presentation can also be downloaded as a PDF (393Kb), or viewed on a web page.Other Presentations
A number of other speakers have also put their slides online, which are well worth a look:- Innovation in the China Mobile Industry - Bruno Bensaid, MoMo Shanghai
- Mobile Finance & Payment - what mobiles can do for you - Benjamin Joffe, MoMo Beijing / Plus Eight Star Ltd
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