Thank-you for a second great MoMo Estonia meeting!

Esimene Tartu Mobile Monday on toimunud, me võistlesime küll 20 õhusooja kraadi, päikesepaiste, tudengipäevade ja tanstivate neidudega Pirogovi platsil, kuid sellegipoolest leidus üle 40 inimese kes tulid eelmisel esmaspäeval MoMo üritusele Ülikooli Kohvikusse. Ning see oli seda väärt.

Nagu ka eelmisel korral on ka seekord mõned fotod meie Flickr'i kontol, ning ettekannete slaidid ära toodud all pool.

Me arvame, et uus formaat, kus õlut oli võimalik mekkida juba ettekannete ja ka interkatiivse vestlusringi ajal, toimis ülihästi ning seda väga suure publiku osavõtu ja genereeritud ideede hulgaga. Me toimime ka tulevikus täpsel sel viisil!

Aitäh kõigile tulemast ning kohtumiseni järgmisel Mobile Monday'l juba Tallinnas!

We were competing with nearly 20C sunshine outside and dancing girls on Piragov, but there was still a big group of people who came along to Ülikooli Kohvik in Tartu last Monday, and we think it was well worth it!

As before there are a few photos on our Flickr account, and the presentations included below.
We think the new format, with drinks available before and after the presentations and an interactive panel, worked really well with a lot of good audience engagement and some interesting ideas. We will definitely be developing this in future!

Presentation: Creating Services for Mobiles (Giacomo Biggiero, Masabi)

Creating Services for Mobile slides (by Giacomo Biggiero)

The entire presentation can also be downloaded as a PDF (1.2Mb), or viewed on a web page.

Presentation: Designing Content For Phones (Sven Kirsimae)

Designing Content For Phones slides (Sven Kirsimae)

The entire presentation can also be downloaded as a PDF (380Kb), or viewed on a web page.
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