'Media Goes Mobile' - on September 8th, 18:00, our next Tallinn Event
Tulemas on järgmine Mobile Monday! Toimub see esmaspäeval 8.septembril kell 18:00 Reval Hotell Olümpia Konverentsikeskuses
Selle ürituse teemaks on 'Media Goes Mobile' ning lisaks prominentsetele esinejatele on meil kavas ka demod ning avatud vestlusring.Ajakava
- "Mobile Operators and Media companies - same bed, different realities" - Joachim Bergman, Ericsson, Head of Sales Multimedia.
Hr. Bergman annab ülevaata, kuidas Ericsson saab toetada mobiilse meedia valdkonda - nii meedia kopmaniisid kui mobiilioperaatoreid, andes seejuures ülevaate autoriõiguste kulude osas ning tutvustades pakutava sisu komponeerimise problemaatikat - kuidas see mobiilplatformil traditsioonilises mõttes ei toimi.
Tema esitlus sisaldab ka kahte demot: MSDP and MeonTV. Demonstratsiooni assisteerivad Kalle Eneroth (Customer Project Manager, Ericsson) ning Mattias Tamm (Editorial Content Manager, Ericsson). - "The Operators´ View" - Ando Meentalo - Head of Data Communication and Content Services´ Group, EMT
- "Delfi mobile interfaces" - Mait Tafenau - IT Manager, Delfi
- Avatud vestlusring "Media on Mobile, Current and Future" - Joachim Bergman (Ericsson), Mait Tafenau (Delfi), Andres Jõesaar - (Head of Corporate Sales and Content Services, Tele2), Jaanus Lillenberg - (Head of Development and Marketing, Postimees), Jouko Vierumäki - CEO (Fromdistance), vestluse juht: Priit Salumaa (MoMo Estonia)

Ka seekordset üritust on toetamas Ericsson ning pakuvad jällegi meeldiva valiku söökidest ja jookidest. Me oleksime teile väga tänulikud kui te registreeruksite, et osalejate arvuga paremini arvestada.

Reval Hotel Olümpia
Liivalaia 33, 10118 Tallinn, Estonia
Juhised hotelli kodulehel
Kaart on selle postituse alaosas.
Our next Mobile Monday event is coming, at 18:00 on Monday September 8th! in Reval Hotel Olümpia
We'll be covering the topic 'Media Goes Mobile' with a range of prominent talks, demos and a panel.Scedule
- "Mobile Operators and Media companies - same bed, different realities" - Joachim Bergman, Ericsson, Head of Sales Multimedia.
He's giving an overview how Ericsson can assist in Mobile Media - some insights into media rights costs (substantial costs). Content aggregation in the traditional sense will not work - internet has proven this, as well as music. How does Ericsson add value and where. The presentation includes two demos: MSDP and MeonTV. Demos are assisted by Kalle Eneroth (Customer Project Manager at Ericsson) and Mattias Tamm (Editorial Content Manager at Ericsson). - "The Operators´ View" - Ando Meentalo - Head of Data Communication and Content Services´ Group, EMT
- "Delfi mobile interfaces" - Mait Tafenau - IT Manager, Delfi
- Open Panel Discussion "Media on Mobile, Current and Future" - Joachim Bergman (Ericsson), Mait Tafenau (Delfi), Andres Jõesaar - (Head of Corporate Sales and Content Services, Tele2), Jaanus Lillenberg - (Head of Development and Marketing, Postimees), Jouko Vierumäki - CEO (Fromdistance), panel chair: Priit Salumaa (MoMo Estonia)

Ericsson are again sponsoring and will be providing another lush selection of food and drink for your enjoyment; we'd appreciate if you registered here to help us count numbers.

Reval Hotel Olümpia
Liivalaia 33, 10118 Tallinn, Estonia
Directions on hotel's web-page
Map / Kaart
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