Fromdistance MDM - The MIDAS Touch to Estonian Mobile Software
Eesti tarkvarafirma AS Fromdistance võitis peaauhinna Device Management Forum’i ja Mobile Monday London'i poolt korraldatud halduse ja innovatsiooni võistlusel oma mobiilihalduse tarkvaraga Fromdistance MDM.
Võistluse eesmärk oli valida seade, tarkvara või teenus, mis oleks kõige innovaatilisem ja pakuks Device Management Forum’i huvigruppidele kõige suuremat kasu.
Võistluse võitjana on AS Fromdistance kutsutud esinema 27.-29. oktoobril 2008 Londonis toimuval MIDAS (Managing Innovative Devices And Services) konverentsil ja esitlema oma lahendusi ka samal ajal toimuval näitusel.
"Selle auhinna saamine on meile suur au. Meie järjekindel tootearendus on loonud väga võimsa ja paindliku seadmehalduse lahenduse. Saadud auhind ning meie klientide positiivne tagasiside näitab, et me oleme õigel teel," ütleb Jouko Vierumäki, AS Fromdistance juhataja ja asutaja.
Abraham Joseph, Device Management Forumi asutaja, lisas: "Võistlusel osales mitmeid väga kõrge tasemega kandidaate, kuid kohtunikele meeldis kõige rohkem Fromdistance’i lahendus. Me õnnitleme neid ja ootame MIDAS konverentsile."
Täiendavat infot annab Jouko Vierumäki,, +372 5292672.
AS Fromdistance
AS Fromdistance on mobiilseadmete äritarkvara arendamisele spetsialiseerunud Eesti tarkvaratootja, kelle peamiseks tooteks on Fromdistance MDM, firmadele mõeldud laiapõhjaline pakett mobiilseadmete haldamiseks. Infot firma kohta saab aadressil
Tallinn, 29th September 2008. Fromdistance, an Estonian software company has won the top prize in the management and innovation competition organised by the Device Management Forum and Mobile Monday in London.
The competition aimed to select the device, application or service that is most innovative and likely to be the most effective at delivering benefits to stakeholders.
As the competition winner, Fromdistance was invited to address the upcoming conference MIDAS: Managing Innovative Devices And Services organised by the Device Management Forum in London on 27-29 October and demonstrated its solutions in the expo area for the duration of the conference.
"We are honoured to receive the prize," says Jouko Vierumäki, CEO of Fromdistance. "Our persistent R&D efforts have borne fruit in the form of a very capable tool for device management. This valuable recognition together with positive customer feedback demonstrates that we are focusing on things that matter in device
Abraham Joseph, Founder of the Device Management Forum added, "We received a number of very high quality entries but the judges were particularly impressed with Fromdistance’s solution. We congratulate them and look forward to their contribution to MIDAS London 2008".
For further information on Fromdistance MDM, contact Jouko Vierumäki, CEO of Fromdistance,, +372 5292672.
About Fromdistance
Fromdistance is an Estonian software company that specialises in developing complex mobile applications for business use. The flagship product of Fromdistance is Fromdistance MDM, a comprehensive device management suite for enterprises. For further information see
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