Thank You for another Mobile Monday
On Monday we met at the Mobile Marketing & Advertising event. We were about 80 people listening to different presentations covering the given topic, plus the three Estonian mobile operators presented their Advertising Reach Package (all the presentations are included below).

As said the center of the event was on mobile advertising, we were also happy to be the first to present and speak about the brand-new Estonian Operators Mobile Advertising Reach Package. But the topic was more widely covered with different case studies on mobile marketing tools and opportunities by Josep M. Nolla from Tele2 and the Media Agencies view was presented by Hanno Kindel from Media house.
We also had Mart Kikas as a guest to present his upcoming Nordic Mobile Media conference and he offered to Mobile Monday community a discount on the conference registration (25% off - look at his presentation slides below for the discount code).
The event was stirred and then nicely wrapped up with our traditional panel discussion. During the panel people rose different questions but also gave answers related to the different players on the mobile market, but also to different ideas where and how to use mobile advertising or what the future might be in mobile marketing world.
We would also like to ask for your feedback on the event and Mobile Monday events in general, for that please fill out our short questionary here.

As always, you can check out new photos from the event on our Flickr stream.
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