Thank You for a superb opening event in Tartu - summary, slides, and pics.
We thank You all who came to the opening of the season 2009 of Mobile Monday Estonia. We had a full house and very good time. We had four great presentations and long question rounds.

So the event was very successful although the main speaker from Skype, the event sponsor had the last-minute cancellation on their presentation.
This time we focused all our efforts on the field of mobile security. We had persentations and discussions about following main topics: mobile client software security, communications channels security, server side security, security of Mobile-ID, social security related to LBS etc.
The presentations:
Peeter Laud, the R&D director of Cybernetica presented the results of the formal analysis of Mobile-ID, and also the possible attacks on the security system. The answer of him on the question: "Would you use Mobile-ID to make transactions with the bank?" he answered: "No." But we all know that computer-security people are a little bit paranoid :)
Indrek Saar, Software Security Architect at Playtech spoke about the mobile server side security issues and the main differences in the problems people face when integrate mobile and traditional server systems.
Indrek Saar: "Mobile Application Server-Side Security Peculiarities"
View more documents from Mobile Monday Estonia.
Ivar Heinola, CEO and Partner at OÜ AVL Express explained the challenges in privacy and social security related with LBS. The main result there is that Estonian legislation in this matter is quite under-developed.
Ivar Heinola: "Social security challenges in Mobile Services (based on LBS experience)"
View more presentations from Mobile Monday Estonia.
And finally, Sven Kirsimäe, the Co-Founder of Mobile Monday gave as an experienced mobile software developer a presentation how to hack Java on mobile phones and how to send SMS'es on some Samsung phones without the phone owner knowing about that.
Sven Kirsimäe: "Hacking JME platform by example: 0wned by MoMo"
View more presentations from Mobile Monday Estonia.
The event was also covered at the biggest computer magazine in Estonia: Arvutimaailm. Read the on-line version of the text here.
We thank our event sponsor Skype and we thank you all for coming and we'll see you at the next Mobile Monday event!
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