Thank You for a great LBS event in Tartu!
2. novembril toimus Tartus järjekordne Mobile Monday, mis purustas Tartu publikurekordi ning tutvustas laiemale publikule uusi ja huvitavaid asukohapõhiseid teenuseid pakkuvaid ettevõtteid ning lahendusi - pikemalt aga sellest inglise keeles all pool.
2nd of November saw a great Mobile Monday event in Tartu. We had again a full house and intriguing LBS (Location Based Services) companies and solutions presenting. The broader public heard the first time that EMT is staring to experiment and test AGPS enabled SIM cards and we also welcomed a great mobile LBS startup Positium into our community.

For a Tartu meeting we had the record number of people attending - nearly 80 and the event lasted late into the night. We can say that this was again one of the best MoMo events we have had.
One of the most interesting news even for Estonian experts on LBS was that EMT has started the work on AGPS enabled SIM card testing. They get the first 5 AGPS enabled SIM cards from Sagem during coming week and start testing the sim cards and researching the solutions for future mobile products based on AGPS enabled SIM cards.
We also saw a row of LBS engaged companies presenting their solutions. Positium, Nutiteq, Regio and Mobi are a part of the new Estonian mKlaster project attacking together the LBS market not only in Estonia but also abroad. It was the first time when momoers heard more in detail what Positium and Nutiteq are doing - and this was pretty impressive.
The coolest part of the event were the workshops, though. We had four groups discussing different parts of location based services world - from advertising to public services. At least two groups arrived in the same area of conclusions: namely the location based services have to consider somehow the preferences and interests of the user. So the offered services or advertising is not spam but useful information for the user.

The group lead by Nutiteq founder Jaak Laineste had a thourough discussion on the "Digital Location Footprint" which helps to offer advertising and recommendations for the user -- where DailyPerfect meets LBS. (the summary of the this group is added as the last slide of Jaak's presentation)
Marek Tiits, Institute of Baltic Studies
Marek Tiits - Challenges Of Estonian LCT Development
View more presentations from Mobile Monday Estonia.
Rene Tõnisson, Baltic Innovation Agency
Rene Tõnisson - Introduction to Estonian mKlaster
View more presentations from Mobile Monday Estonia.
Then we had 10min demos from the mKlaster companies: Positium, Mobi, and Regio, Nutiteq:
Margus Tiru - Positium LBS
View more presentations from Mobile Monday Estonia.
Lauri Kinkar - Mobi Short Profile for MoMo Estonia
View more presentations from Mobile Monday Estonia.
Anne Jääger - Regio LBS
View more presentations from Mobile Monday Estonia.
Nutiteq Mobile Monday
View more presentations from jaakl.
After the break Argo Kivilo, the R&D Manager of EMT was speaking:
The workshop concluded the event. The summary of the group lead by Jaak Laineste is the last slide in the Nutiteq presentation above.
The group lead by Lauri Kinkar concluded:
One of the most important bottle-neck for LBS services are privacy issues. The fact that the service provider knows the location of the user is a privacy violation for many.
LBS services in the public sector for certain services, however, may offer more value than the one-time violation of privacy. Thus, the use of location-based services as public services, is particularly suitable for local chrisis communication.
We thank you all who participated and we also thank mKlaster for sponsoring the event.
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