MobileMonday: "Funding", Ülemiste City, CityPlatz, 18:00

6. septembril toimuvad Tallinnas ja Helsingis MobileMonday Summit 2010 lokaalsed kick-off üritused. Tallinnas kohtume Ülemiste City's ning seekordne MobileMonday on teemaga "Funding".

Ürituse teema on ajendatud Eesti startupi maastiku elavdumisest ning ühest põhiküsimusest, millega põrkuvad kõik alustavad tehnoloogia ettevõtted. Nimelt, kust leida toimimiseks raha. Antud üritus arutabki erinevaid finantseerimise võimalusi läbi näidete.

Lisaks toimub üritusel Mobile Peer Awards'i Eesti poolfinaal (kes tahab kandideerida ühenduge palun

Üritust toetab Ülemiste City ja peaesineja tuleb Helsingist, Technopolisest.

Registreerimine avatakse 30. augustil ning täpsem programm tekib MoMo Estonia veebi uue nädala alguses.

On 6th of September in Tallinn and Helsinki, there will be the local kick-off events for the coming MobileMonday Summit 2010.

We'll meet in Tallinna at Ülemiste City and the events' topic will be: "Funding"

The Estonian startup scene has been showing more signs of vitality than ever before. Thus, the motivation of the topic since every startup has to tackle the question of funding - where to find the money to implement it's ideas and to execute the business plan. Current event will discuss several options through examples.

We'll also have the Mobile Peer Awards Estonian semifinals on the event (candidates please contact

The event is supported by Ülemiste City and the main speaker will come from from Technopolis, Helsinki.

The registration opens on 30th of august and more detailed shedule will be published on MoMo Estonia's web in the beginning of the next week.
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