Technopolis Business Breakfast 17.11: Coaching – Kuidas saavutada enamat? / Coaching The Individual – Optimising Your Executive Potential

Miks rakendavad edukad rahvusvahelised ettevõtted individuaalseid ja meeskondlikke coaching praktikaid? Kuidas aitab coaching Sul edukamalt äri teha?

Efektiivsemaks juhtimiseks ja heade tulemuste saavutamiseks on vajalik olla teadlik oma tugevatest külgedest ning sisemistest mõjuritest.

Novembrikuu hommikusöögi programm ei koosne esitlustest, vaid sel korral kutsume teid vahetult leidma vastuseid teie ees seisvatele väljakutsetele – kuidas rakendada paremini neid oskuseid ja teadmisi, mis teil on juba olemas?

Seminari viib läbi praktik, koolitaja ja rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud koolitusfirma Inside Out partner Iain Muir.

Olete oodatud osalema!

Aeg: Neljapäev, 17.11.2011, 9.00-11.00
Koht: Technopolis Ülemiste, Lõõtsa 6, II korrus, Zappi seminariruum
Registreerumine: Palun registreeru hiljemalt 14.11.2011 täites selleks ankeedi aadressil:


9:00 Registreerimine, kohv ja võrgustumine
9:30 Miks edukad rahvusvahelised ettevõtted kasutavad individuaalseid ja meeskondlikke coaching praktikaid? Iain Muir, Inside Out, partner.

Vastame koos küsimustele, lähtudes teie praktilistest kogemustest.

Coaching ja küsimuste-vastuste voor, mille käigus selgub, kuidas edasi liikuda.

11:00 Seminari lõpp, võrgustumine

Üritus on kõigile registreerunutele tasuta! Ürituse töökeeleks on inglise keel.


Iain Muir on tööalaselt olnud tegev juhtivatel positsioonidel erinevates rahvusvahelistes ettevõtetes spordivaldkonnast kuni personali juhtimiseni välja. Iain on juhtimiskoolitajana spetsialiseerunud coachingu rollile strateegilises juhtimises ja ettevõtte arengus. Iain on elanud ja töötanud Küprosel, Liibanonis, Saksamaal, Inglismaal ja Soomes.

Inside Out on rahvusvaheline praktilise coachingu koolitusfirma, mis on partneriks mitmetele maailma juhtivatele korporatsioonidele, ettevõtetele ja organisatsioonidele. Inside Out julgustab tegevjuhte ja nende meeskondi tegema eristuvaid, pikaajalisi ja sisulisi muudatusi parandamaks ettevõtete tegevustulemusi. Inside Out võtab koos firmadega käsile nende kõige keerulisemad teemad ja tõsiseimad väljakutsed. Inside Out teeb koostööd ettevõtetega, kes väärtustavad pikaajalist partnerlust panustades seeläbi otseselt ettevõtete arengusse. Inside Out on tegev üle Euroopa, Põhja- ja Lõuna-Ameerikas ning Aasias.

Rohkem infot:
Tõnis Pechter
Arendusteenuste projektijuht

Why do successful global organizations adopt individual and team coaching practices? What is the added value of coaching to various business challenges? Who should or could get coached? Awareness of ourselves and our internal drivers and strengths is a key to a smarter way to perform and lead. World class leaders make world class organizations – world class thinking makes world class leaders.

This session is not a lecture on coaching but an interactive experience where you are invited to find answers to your acute business challenges – how to bring out more of the talent you’ve got.

Senior executive coach and part owner of world renowned coaching organization Inside Out®, Iain Muir, will lead this breakfast session. The session will be in English, but pair and group work can be in Estonian.

Welcome to Technopolis Business Breakfast in Ülemiste, Tallinn.

Time: Thursday, 17.11.2011, 9.00-11.00
Venue: Technopolis Ülemiste, Lõõtsa 6, II korrus, Zapp seminar room
Registration: Registration: Deadline: 14.11.2011


9:00 Registration, coffee and networking
9:30 Why do successful global organisations adopt individual and team coaching practices? We will answer these questions together, linking to challenges in your own organization. Have you ever thought that there must be more to life and work? A coaching approach and a series of questions will be applied to find how to move forward.
11:00 End of the event, networking

Welcome to the Technopolis Business Breakfast in Tallinn! The event will be held in English and is free of charge.


Iain Muir, executive coach and part owner, Inside Out®
Iain Muir has had a wide professional career before finally concentrating on coaching and facilitation. His working life has taken him through many management and directorship positions of organizations, initially within the field of sport and sport related areas and then into HR. Iain has been working in management consultancy for many years now, specializing in strategy and development with support coaching. Iain has lived and worked in Cyprus, Lebanon, Germany, UK and currently Finland.

Inside Out®
Inside Out is a global executive coaching firm. We are the trusted coaching company to the world's leading corporations, businesses and institutions. We coach exclusively at senior executive level, empowering business leaders and their teams to make distinctive, lasting, and substantial improvements to their performance. We tackle their most difficult issues and serious challenges. We work selectively with companies who value long term partnerships - positively and irrefutably impacting their business. We operate across Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia.

More information:
Tõnis Pechter
Development Services Project Manager
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