MobileMonday: "New Trends and Tools in Mobile User Interface Development."
Seekord toimub MobileMonday Tartus ning ülikoolilinnale kohaselt algab üritus veidi tehnilisemate teemadega, mis katavad uuemaid suundi mobiili kasutajaliideste arenduses.
Kuid vaatamata tehnilisele algusele on 10. detsembril tegemist tavapärase mobiiliinimeste ja -huviliste kohtumisega, kus peale ettekandeid sundimatus õhkkonnas aetakse juttu ja tutvutakse.Ajakava:
18:00 Priit Salumaa, Co-founder @ MoMo Estonia, Opening Words
18:10 Priit Haamer, Co-founder and Developer @ Edicy: "Responsive web design for desktop, tablets and smartphones"
18:30 Ahti Liin, Co-founder and Mobile Software Engineer @ Mooncascade: "What's new in iOS development: XCode 4.5 and iOS 5 & 6"
18:50 Madis Pink Mobile Software Engineer @ Mobi: "What's new in Android UI development and what should a designer keep in mind while designing for Android"
19:10 Refreshment & networking break
19:30 Indrek Ulst, Co-founder and Mobile Software Engineer @ Mooncascade: "Mobile UI development on Windows Phone and what's new in S40"
19:50 Rene Tõnisson, Director @ Institute of Baltic Studies with an introduction to next day's conference: "How can Living Labs help to enter new markets."
20:05 Networking and drinks! As usual for MobileMonday :)
Koht: Ülikooli Kohvik, II korruse Rõdusaal. Ülikooli 20, Tartu.
Registreerumine: Üritus on küll tasuta, kuid registreerumine on kohustuslik:
Üritus toimub inglise keeles ja on sissejuhtauseks järgmisel päeval algavale konverentsile Eesti IT lahendused maailmakaardile - kas ja kuidas?
Üritust toetavad Tartu Linnavalitsuse ettevõtluse osakond, Mobi Solutions, Mooncascade.
This time we bring MobileMonday back to Tartu. As a custom we start the event with more technical topics covering new trends and tools in Mobile User Interface development.
Despite the technical beginning the evening on 10th of December will be our usual gathering of mobile professionals and enthusiasts. After the official program and presentations we'll continue with networking and drinks in a very comfortable atmosphere.Schedule:
18:00 Priit Salumaa, Co-founder @ MoMo Estonia, Opening Words
18:10 Priit Haamer, Co-founder and Developer @ Edicy: "Responsive web design for desktop, tablets and smart phones"
18:30 Ahti Liin, Co-founder and Mobile Software Engineer @ Mooncascade: "What's new in iOS development: XCode 4.5 and iOS 5 & 6"
18:50 Madis Pink Mobile Software Engineer @ Mobi: "What's new in Android UI development and what should a designer keep in mind while designing for Android"
19:10 Refreshment & networking break
19:30 Indrek Ulst, Co-founder and Mobile Software Engineer @ Mooncascade: "Mobile UI development on Windows Phone and what's new in S40"
19:50 Rene Tõnisson, Director @ Institute of Baltic Studies with an introduction to next day's conference: "How can Living Labs help to enter new markets."
20:05 Networking and drinks! As usual for MobileMonday :)
Venue: Ülikooli Kohvik (University Cafe), II floor Rõdusaal. Ülikooli 20, Tartu.
Registration: Although, the event is for free, the registration is mandatory:
The event is held in English and functions also as a warm-up networking event for the conference about Estonian IT solutions the next day: Eesti IT lahendused maailmakaardile - kas ja kuidas?
Supporters: Department of Business Development at Tartu City Government, Mobi Solutions, Mooncascade.
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