MobileMonday: "Monetizing Apps!" Feat. CreativeMobile, Fortumo, etc
Esmakordselt Tartus - Creative Mobile räägib oma ettevõtte loo, kuidas nad jõudsid oma esimese millionini ning kuidas on nad oma mobiilimängud teenima pannud.
Kui teid on kunagi huvitanud, mis moodi Rovio teenis oma esimese miljoni või kuidas teenida tulu oma loodud mobiilirakenduse pealt, siis 11. märtsil toimub Tartus järjekordne MobileMonday üritus.Seekordseks teemaks on mobiilirakendustega tulu teenimine: "Monetizing Apps!"
Üritus katab võimalikult laia osa mobiilirakenduste tulumudelitest: tasulised ja tasuta rakendused, rakenduste sisesed maksed ning reklaam.
Seejuures on tähtsaimaks ürituse külaliseks Creative Mobile'i marketingi juht Marianna Krjakvina. Creative Mobile kerkis laiema üldsuse huviorbiiti möödunud aasta augusti kuus. Siis sai selgeks, et see noor ettevõte on tõenäoliselt Eesti kõige edukam mobiilimängude tootja, mille aastakasum on mõõdetav miljonites!
18:00 Priit Salumaa, Co-founder at Mooncascade, Garage48 & MoMo Estonia - Opening words
18:10 Marianna Krjakvina, Chief Marketing Officer at Creative Mobile: "Story of our startup and monetization models. Monetizing your apps with ads."
19:00 Refreshment & networking break
19:20 Lauris Kruusamäe & Lauri Eskor, Mobile Software Engineers at Mobi: "In-app Payments by Google & Apple"
19:50 Martin Koppel, Chief Revenue Officer at Fortumo Ltd.: "Third Party In-app Payments"
20:15 Networking and drinks! As usual for MobileMonday :)
Koht: Ülikooli Kohvik, II korruse Rõdusaal. Ülikooli 20, Tartu. Üritus toimub inglise keeles.
Registreerumine: Üritus on küll tasuta, kuid registreerumine on kohustuslik:
Üritust toetavad Tartu Linnavalitsuse ettevõtluse osakond, Mooncascade, and Fortumo.
First time in Tartu, Creative Mobile will present the story of their company. How did they come to their first million and how did they monetize their mobile games?
Have you ever thought how Rovio made their first million or when creating an app what is the best way to start earning money with it?On 11th of March we'll have the next MoMo event in Tartu, Estonia with the topic: "Monetizing Apps!"
The event will cover most of the revenue models in mobile apps like: paid and free apps, in-app purchasing and mobile ad-networks.
By that the star-guest of the event is Marianna Krjakvina, the Chief Marketing Officer of Creative Mobile. Creative Mobile sprung into the attention of wider audience by August 2012. By then it was clear that this young company is probably the most successful mobile apps producer in Estonia, whose yearly profits are measured in millions of euros.
18:00 Priit Salumaa, Co-founder at Mooncascade, Garage48 & MoMo Estonia - Opening words
18:10 Marianna Krjakvina, Chief Marketing Officer at Creative Mobile: "Story of our startup and monetization models. Monetizing your apps with ads"
19:00 Refreshment & networking break
19:20 Lauris Kruusamäe & Lauri Eskor, Mobile Software Engineers at Mobi: "In-app Payments by Google & Apple"
19:50 Martin Koppel, Chief Revenue Officer at Fortumo Ltd.: "Third Party In-app Payments"
20:15 Networking and drinks! As usual for MobileMonday :)
The event is held in English.
Venue: Ülikooli Kohvik (University Cafe), II floor Rõdusaal. Ülikooli 20, Tartu.
Registration: Although, the event is for free, the registration is mandatory:
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