MobileMonday: Money & Mobile
The first meet-up on our 7th season will focus on business side of the mobile industry for a change. The topic of the event will be Money & Mobile and we will be featuring one of the hottest new startups in Estonia - Transferwise with their story and ideas on mobile.
On 7th we will be closing up the first day of the Tartu Enterpreneurship Week starting earlyer this day. In the discussion how we move money with mobile phones we'll have opinions from Transferwise, Fortumo, and Estonia's biggest bank Swedbank.Everybody is welcome, the event is free and held in English! Come by to listen, socialize, and invite your friends! Registration is mandatory, though:
18:35 Thomas Padovani - Founder & CEO @ AdCash: "Adcash®: from web display to web"mobile"display advertising."
19:00 Andrei Dementjev - VP of Operations @ Fortumo
19:25 Refreshment and networking break
19:45 Henrik Bohman - Product Manager @ Transferwise: "Justifying mobile"
20:10 Erkki Saarniit - Head of E-Channels Operations @ Swedbank
20:30 Open Panel Discussion - "Mobile & Money - payments, transfers, or how to make some?"
20:30 Networking and drinks! As usual for MobileMonday :)
Venue: Ülikooli Kohvik (University Cafe), II floor Rõdusaal. Ülikooli 20, Tartu.
Supporters: Department of Business Development at Tartu City Government, Mooncascade, Fortumo, Messente, Mobi Lab.
Tartu Ettevõtlusnädala avapäeva õhtu lõpetab MobileMonday seminar, mis käsitleb võimalusi, kuidas mobiiltelefonide vahendusel raha liigutada ja raha teenida. Oma kogemustest tulevad rääkima ühelt poolt Eesti tuntumate mobiiltelefonide tarkvara arendavate tehnoloogiaettevõtete Transferwise'i ja Fortumo esindajad ning teiselt poolt suurim Eestis tegutsev pank Swedbank.
Üritus avab MobileMonday Estonia 7. hooaja - üritus toimub inglise keeles, on kõigile avatud ja tasuta. Tule ise, kutsu oma sõbrad ja tutvu uute inimestega. Registreerimine on küll kohustuslik:18:30 Priit Salumaa - Co-founder at MoMo Estonia - Opening words
18:35 Thomas Padovani - Founder & CEO @ AdCash: "Adcash®: from web display to web"mobile"display advertising."
19:00 Andrei Dementjev - VP of Operations @ Fortumo
19:25 Refreshment and networking break
19:45 Henrik Bohman - Product Manager @ Transferwise: "Justifying mobile"
20:10 Erkki Saarniit - Head of E-Channels Operations @ Swedbank
20:30 Open Panel Discussion - "Mobile & Money - payments, transfers, or how to make some?"
20:30 Networking and drinks! As usual for MobileMonday :)
Koht: Ülikooli Kohvik, II korruse Rõdusaal. Ülikooli 20, Tartu. Üritus toimub inglise keeles.
Üritust toetavad Department of Business Development at Tartu City Government, Mooncascade, Fortumo, Messente, Mobi Lab..
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