Garage48 Hardware & Arts - registration is open!

Hardware & Arts will be a one of its kind Garage48 hackathon, bringing together the creative communities of electronics, mechatronics, and software engineers, artists, product designers, and marketeers in Tartu, Estonia, on February 7-9, 2014 at University of Tartu, old Physics building, Tähe 4, Tartu, Estonia.

Registration opening 11th Dec

This will be a truly amazing hackathon, where we expect people to work on crazy ideas with the aim to have fun while developing something cool and REAL - something you can hold in your hands. No matter what skills you possess - everybody who wants to build something is welcome! We want to engage people from different levels of experience: from students to experienced electronics engineers and start-up entrepreneurs.

Hardware & Arts – Who should come?

Garage48 Hardware & Arts invites 100 participants with various roles:
•          If you happen to be a mechanical, electronics, or a software engineer - we want you at our event!
•          If you happen to be an architect, interior designer or an artist - we want you at our Garage48 Hardware & Arts.
•          If you happen to be a product, UI, UX, or a fashion designer - we want you at Garage48!
•          If you are a person who has ideas, who knows how to market and sell like hell - we want you to come!

You all have to come because it will be the start-up event in 2014 and we will have a ton of gadgets and cool devices you can work on. The list will be published on - stay tuned for our Twitter and FB updates.

Notes on the Registration Process

This time we call for participants but also for ideas and teams. We figure that some ideas and teams might need our help getting the right hardware bits and pieces for the event. Finding and ordering those might take time – we will try to help out.

Thus we will add two additional (optional) fields for the registration:

·         Idea – short description of your idea.

The idea has to be a new one. The teams with existing prototype or product please contact hardware@garage48 for participation.

·         Project name and team members – you might already have friends signing up and willing to work with you on the same idea.

That said, we will keep our spontaneity allowing people to come to the Garage48 and present an idea they had the same morning. Same goes for participants who just want to find a cool idea and a team to work with.

Roughly a week after registration opens we will also create a closed Facebook group for participants so you can promote your idea, get feedback and others interested.

The earlier you register, the better chances to find a team on the event

Hardware & Arts – Why?

Those who are familiar with Garage48, know it is an event where ideas are turned into working prototypes in 48 hours. Usually, the teams are formed from software engineers, designers, visionaries and marketing specialists with ideas that tend to fall into the field of internet and mobile apps.

This is not always the case - we have had robots crawling around at Garage48. Thus, Hardware & Arts introduces something new to the event series.

There have been small hackathons with couple of guys sitting in a garage, combining solder with chips and transistors; gluing with lines of code and healthy dosage of black magic.

We have also seen product designers or architects working on their concepts with a string of hot wire and pieces of Styrofoam, or more lucky ones, with 3D CAD programs and printers.

We want to bring that feel of magic to Garage48 and introduce the synergetic event to creative minds of electronics and mechatronics engineers, artists and product designers. And not only that! We are inviting our usual suspects - software engineers, UI/UX designers, and marketeers to join in as well.

Less talk, more action!

Garage48, Hardware & Arts team:
Garage48: Priit Salumaa & Krists Avots
Tartu University: Alvo Aabloo
Estonian Academy of Arts: Anu Piirisild
Hedgehog OÜ – Indrek Rebane
Shaka OÜ – Jens Kasemets

About the organizers:

Garage48 is a series of international start-up events for turning ideas into working prototypes in 48 hours. Garage48 brings together people with different skills to pitch ideas, form teams, and build real products and services under "blood & sweat" intensity. With origins in Estonia, so far 26 Garage48 events have taken place in 12 countries from South Africa to Russia with 2200 participants, 300 finished prototypes and 15+ successful start-ups created.

Estonian Academy of Arts
Established in 1914, Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) is provides education in art, design, architecture, and art culture at three levels of higher education, which unites innovative studies, creative work, research and development at the highest level of the fields of visual culture. We believe that art, design, architecture and technology are subjects that can help us to understand and give meaning to the world we live in. EAA is modelling the future of the cultural and artistic landscape of Estonia.

Tartu University - Institute of Technology and Institute of Physics

The University of Tartu (UT) was founded in 1632 by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus. UT is Estonia's leading centre of research and training. As Estonia's national university, UT stresses the importance of co-operation and partnerships. In this event two institutes will play major role: Institute of Technology is the young research institute focusing on high level multidisciplinary research including biotechnology, materials science, computer engineering and robotics. Institute of Physics focuses on physics and materials science and technologies based on these basic disciplines.
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