Android developers meetup in Telliskivi

Coming up this Friday the 28th Applaud invites all Android developers and enthusiasts to an awesome meetup at Erinevate Tubade Klubi in Telliskivi Loomelinnak. They’re going to kick things off with a few enlightening talks on mobile in general and the state of Android today. After that everybody will relax, grab a few drinks, get to know their colleques and play around with two pairs of Oculus Rift virtual reality glasses.

Talks (in Estonian):
Joonas Trussmann - CEO @ Applaud - Welcoming words, a little bit about Applaud and an exciting beta launch
Andrei Korobeinik - Founder @ and, former member of the Estonian Parliament - Mobile services through the ages
Anton Narusberg - CTO @ CoffeWineTequile, Managing Partner @ Cannedapps - Introducing Google Wear

And more to be announced soon.

The bar is open and, for one night only, is accepting Bitcoins!

More info, updates and RSVP at or

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